Saturday, December 6, 2008

Because its a Saturday night

Im listening to Pandora radio and jamming to a Clipse playlist....its nice.

Tonight is going to be a Masquerade Ball. Super fun right??? Wrong. I dont have a damn mask, and the date....well, she backed out.
Something about not getting her dresses in time...(shes in the military and wears some form of uniform day in day this is a plausible excuse).

Its 3 hours until I go out there, and I am about to go to the gym and hype myself up that this evening will be fun. Because Ill be flirting with OTHER peoples dates instead of my own.

And since I dont have a mask, Im going to go like Zorro and cut up a T shirt or something...or a tie.

1 comment:

mjf said...

Ripped up T-shirt, Zorro Mask and/or Tie, creative.

I'm always impressed with guys who go stag- they've go the confidence to rock it on their own.

Good luck, and have fun!