Tonight- couldnt do it. Didnt do it. she came over, we sat, watched a film, killed a bottle of wine, and chatted. It was honest to goodness great to have someone over and just able to shoot the shit with them. We talked about EVERYTHING. But alas, I rather engage her in conversation than in booty talk.
Dont get me wrong, I am patting myself on my back because I didnt try to do something aimed at getting her in a position where shed have some explaining to do when she got home. We saw a very nice film, one of my favorites- The Tiger and The Snow. Finished a bottle of Reisling together, ate a bag of pomegranete Jelly Bellies...talked some more about how young I was and how old she was (me 25, her 36). And enjoyed each others company.
Thinking about it, maybe it was because I dont think I necessarily miss the physical aspect of being with a woman, but the emotional aspect that comes with it. The small things. Watching a smile born in her eyes. Feeling her hair as my fingers brush past a few strands as im making my way to her back. Touching her hand softly while making my point. Whatever it is. I miss it.
But tonight it really was just borrowing that feeling. Because she will be going home in a week to her husband. And she will be able to go home and not be guilty about things she did out here. And well, I think ive picked up another friend.
Great. There really is no more room for all these damn friend ladders that Ive accumalated.

Shame on you Baghdad, you have stolen my mojo.
:) Good work.
(I couldn't help but notice the little "emotional" things you mention, are still, technically, physical. I know exactly what you mean though!)
I am with you all the way! The physicality of intercourse pales in comparison to emotional intimacy. Until such time as I find someone who I can actually share intimate moments with, sex is useless.
Really? This goes to the commentors, too; the emotional stuff is great, sure--necessary even. But would you seriously regret not having sex as well? It's like saying it's fun to get on a roller coaster and feel the high of getting almost to the top of the highes peak in the ride, then leaving it at that. I just don't see how I could walk away from it and consider it fun.
I've only just started reading, though, so I don't know the background story. But I think if I were a woman in that situation I'd go home feeling really frustrated and possibly even confused and insulted, wondering what I did to make the guy not want sieze and opportunity to sleep with me after such a great night.
Dont get me wrong, shes very attractive and all my intentions were to seduce her when she came over, and for a while it was going there... and then i noticed she started playing with her wedding ring...and the hints and words-my husband this, and he would like that... yeah, so I figured to just let thing go where they will.
Maybe she did leave frustrated, but by now she is back in the states having a great time at home with her hubby. Crisis averted....although, she did invite me to dinner when I got back to America, so maybe a group outing???!!??
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