Monday, November 24, 2008

Bad Advice

Like a fake Dr providing fake solutions to real problems, bad advice gives us the same feeling of doing something good for somebody while really it may actually hinder them.

A few of my female friends are in that part of the year where it is important to have someone around/or just want their significant other/potential other to do right. Just be good. Simple. But that is not the case.
More often than not the case becomes questions of fidelity, attention, attraction, bitchassness etc...

So, there is a friend of mine who started to 'date' a guy who was really cool and everything and things seemed like it was going all well. Then he was due to travel over the break and mentioned that he would see his x. My friend wanted to know where she stood, and how to ask that question.
- I told her to be upfront, ask the question, and if it wasnt the answer that she was looking for, to walk away.

Another friend of mine finds herself 'hanging out' with a guy who turns out to have a real gf back at home. But it never came up in conversation (wtf) and now she feels bad to have done those things with him, but still they hang out...
-I told her its a fucked up situation, and I dont judge, but walk away.

ANOTHER friend of mine finds herself in one of the most interesting men dilemmas ever. She is 'dating' (she calls him bf) a guy who is married with 3 kids. He will not get a divorce from the wife who he is supposedly separated from. And to top that off, he is a cop in a college town....great success buddy. She is also living with her dad (not an issue) but is under Brittany Spears situations- the dad controls all expenses, finances, social life, etc... Shes in love with a guy who will/can never love her (another guy).
- I told her to evaluate her life. Get out of the fucked up situation, stop loving other people and love herself...and walk away.

One of my closest friends ever is also seeing a married man. And the worst part is that the wife is apart of her group of friends. What does that mean? The wife doesnt know but thinks everything is cool, this one has the most damaging consequences because its the closest to home.
-I told her to wake up and walk away.

OK, so you see. My medication to the friends that come to me for my perspective is pretty consistent (great pr) but the message. Walk AWAY. Kind of harsh no? But then its always situational isnt it?

My bf left the toilet seat up - Walk away.
My gf wont cook ...EVER- leave her, walk away.
My wife is terminally ill- walk away... no no, this one no. But know...

Thinking about it, maybe thats not the best way. To just throw hands up in the air and say f it all. Maybe in these situations yes, but I setting my friends up for hurt and heartache.

Lord knows that if people heard about my situation from women, id be getting the same recommendation - Girrrrrrl, leave his ass. RIGHT NOW :D

(photo courtesy of Flikr)

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