Wednesday, October 8, 2008

A Pre-Divorce Divorce

When you have never been married, but have had multiple divorces, what kind of person have you become?
I find myself feeling like I have just emerged from the separation of that harsh world of a divorce...yet, I have never been married. But it felt like I was married, and with that marriage came 2 years of separation. Voluntary as it may have been it was separation nonetheless. I am here, and she is there. Far away from me. So very far. So far in fact, that our closest encounter has been on the iChat, which is cool on some levels, but wrong on so many other levels.

So the decision was made to cut the throat of the elephant in the room, and allow the window and idea of reincarnation to live just incase our elephant decided to be reborn.

I know, its weird to speak like that, but I have just been listening to Sarah Palin talk, and I feel like Im getting better at avoiding the question by giving an answer that makes you go hmmmmm.

A year into it, and I am still healthy. No major injuries save a finger smashed in the car door after a long night of having a good time. The time has certainly flown. I think if someone told me last August that I would still be in Iraq in October, I would have shaken my head and said surely you jest...but they do not jest. I am truly still here.
It really is not as bad as it seems on the news, but then again...I do live a fairly privileged and sheltered life. The major draw of course is the whole long distance relationship thing... but now that im single... :\

I dont know. . .

And more so the difficult part is knowing that my other better half, is out there coping with this by herself.I know she feels alone, but what can I do when my absence and presence both cause her pain? Should I offer a hybrid but deject presence or a complete absence. In the past I would take the route to look like an ass and make her want to get away from me...but that was me before I met this one.

On to something different.

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