Saturday, May 10, 2008

Relationships, Anniversaries, Danger, and Sexy Money

Many of my friends are in that limbo time. Limbo time is the anniversary/break-up/renewal/pissed off at/single time of the year. It is quite crazy actually. Since no one wants to admit a vulnerability and a need to have a person on the arm to validate them, I suppose that it is ok to be in that state of things. All I know, for sure is that my constant state of NOT being in that situation makes it...interesting when looking at my friends.

I had a conversation with a former lover this morning after the alarms went off. There was such a need to control the possibility that things could spin out of hand at any moment and somehow turn to where it was in the past. Including physical emotions where there really should be none. But that yearning to go back to what is familiar. And it really was that good...

Thsi time next week I will be looking forward to going back home. But I hate homecoming. I do not like the choice of dwelling that my family decided to go on. Honestly, it is because the small town thing never really grew on me, and it is also because Georgia really isnt that cool of a place. I mean, there are all these self important people that live there who assume that you give a damn about who they are or what they do...When really, why the hell should it matter.
Which leads me to another issue.

VIP lines at clubs. WTH, I mean, yes, exclusivity generally rules the scene. If you want something to sell, make it exclusive. But really, when I am at a club, do I need to be behind the red line, ordering more expensive drinks, and dancing with people who expect MORE out of you, or can I just be comfortable hanging out with the regular, non self important people whose everyday lives makes it ok to not have to go to a night club to feel important. Sometimes I just want to ask those 'VIP' what makes them special. If it is the ability to purchase a bottle of vodka and pay extra to get in...well, so be it. But I can almost guarantee that my $5-$10 cover (go earlier than midnight), $4-$8 drink (stick to the basics ____ +vodka), and my dancing where a majority of the people in the club are anyway (non-VIP) section, will make my night just as fun as yours...especially when I leave with the knowledge that if I wanted to pretend I was self important...I could. But what is the point. That $300 bill that you got at the end of the night could have gone to something a bit more productive than flossing.....Im not hatin, Im just saying.

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